The story of Abu Nawas obtained from various sources

Who is Abu Nawas? People who are regarded clown but also considered this great scholar-mystic, super cute characters unequaled was originally a Persian who was born in 750 AD in Ahwaz died in 819 AD in Baghdad. As an adult he wandered into Bashra and Kufa. There he learned Arabic and tightly associate with people of the desert Bedouin. Because he was her social proficient in Arabic and the customs and preferences of Arabs ", he is also good at poetry, berpantun and singing. He had returned to his country, but went back to Baghdad with her father, both of them devote themselves to the Sultan Harun Al Rashid King of Baghdad.

The name of Abu Nawas is so popular is that the stories contain many of the ascribed humor comes from the Abu Nawas. Such figures Abu Nawas is able to overcome various difficult issues with the style of humor or even political humor also turned out not only in the country of Baghdad. We know the Sheikh Juha similar to the Abu Nawas piawainya Nasaruddin also the Sufi Hoja funny but smart. We also know Kabayari in West Java which is ridiculous but it turned out too bright.
Abu Nawas! After the dead were still able to make people laugh. In front of the tomb there is a locked gate with a huge padlock. But on either side of the fence gate perforated so that people can freely go to a pilgrimage to his tomb. What does he mean he did so. Maybe it is the symbol of Abu Nawas character that seemed closed but actually open, there is something mysterious in itself Abu Nawas, he did not seem like ordinary people, even some who believe that the simplicity he is a Sufi teacher, but she remained close to the common people even consistency they defend the weak and oppressed.

So many other stories which adopted the story of Abu Nawas that sometimes these stories do not make sense even too painful eastern people, lest I suspect the stories of Abu Nawas is very strange was deliberately created by the Orientalists to speak ill of the Islamic community . Therefore, reading the story of Abu Nawas we have a critical and vigilant.